Thursday, September 13

Journal Record - BlogBlog Assignment

One of the first things I notice when scrolling through a professional's blog is there are at least 10 different things to click on, read about, or watch. Another thing I quickly noticed is the layout is very simple and everything is very easy to read.
I've been looking at Dave Rhea's blog and reading different things he has blogged about. I feel like his stuff is a little too wordy for me but his layout and the way he blogs is obviously working for him. I love his unique background picture, and the rest of his blog has quite a boyish look - which again is obviously working for him! :) Compared to the next blog I will talk about, Dave's blog has different sections to click on with blog headlines and a "featured video" section. It's hard for me to get into this blog because it's a lot to read.
Now, it's on to one of my favorite blogs - A Beautiful Mess. This is definitely a girly blog and that is exactly why I love it so much! They have cute typography - but it's still easy to read. The blog is very colorful and attention grabbing with six different tabs/categories to choose from! And every tab is filled with the most awesome and useful information too! The layout is very simple and they have tons of photos in every post! I shall strive to be more like them.. I'd say I have a lot of work to do! 

Thursday, September 13

Journal Record - BlogBlog Assignment

One of the first things I notice when scrolling through a professional's blog is there are at least 10 different things to click on, read about, or watch. Another thing I quickly noticed is the layout is very simple and everything is very easy to read.
I've been looking at Dave Rhea's blog and reading different things he has blogged about. I feel like his stuff is a little too wordy for me but his layout and the way he blogs is obviously working for him. I love his unique background picture, and the rest of his blog has quite a boyish look - which again is obviously working for him! :) Compared to the next blog I will talk about, Dave's blog has different sections to click on with blog headlines and a "featured video" section. It's hard for me to get into this blog because it's a lot to read.
Now, it's on to one of my favorite blogs - A Beautiful Mess. This is definitely a girly blog and that is exactly why I love it so much! They have cute typography - but it's still easy to read. The blog is very colorful and attention grabbing with six different tabs/categories to choose from! And every tab is filled with the most awesome and useful information too! The layout is very simple and they have tons of photos in every post! I shall strive to be more like them.. I'd say I have a lot of work to do!